Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The 144,000 and a Mission

 Hi, I am Danielle, and I am one of the 144,000. 

The mission that I am on is one of Faith and Obedience. At first, I thought God wanted me to see the differences between all of the religions and to find the parts that were good in all of them. That was not the lesson at all. God had me studying the different books - The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Third Testament (or Book of True Life), Hinduism, Buddhism, The Book of Mormon, New Age, and many more. Instead; God wanted me to be able to talk to ALL PEOPLE. To meet the people where they are and to talk to them about HIM. To lead the people to HIM. Religion isn't important, and that is it in a nutshell. God is important. People are clouding The Most High God with beliefs. 

So, as hard as it may be to believe, I am one of God's people, and He has sent me to talk to YOU about Him. 

Who is God? 

God is LOVE. First and Foremost, God is our Creator, and He is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 

He is the God of everyone and everything on this planet and others. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is The Most High. He is the God of Abraham and Isaac. He is the God of you and me, and HE is making Himself known to you now. 

Please take the time to get to know Him. Pray and ask our Father in Heaven to show you the way. Ask Him for help. Ask Him to help you let go and to seek Him for all things. 

May God Bless You Always. 


More about the 144,000 in later posts. I will be sharing my journey with The Most High God as well as biblical talks and healings. As with anything, please take this information with much discernment as you should with anything. 

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