Monday, September 18, 2023

"Crystals are evil because they are new age and new age is evil because I said so!" And other such non-sense...

Did the title of today's blog get you flared up? It was meant to. In today's society, we have a lot of judgement for people without doing adequate research. We assume that what the leaders in churches tell us is correct, that they have some kind of supreme authority because they went to a school where they got a piece of paper. But what if they're wrong? What if their interpretation of the scripture from those that they trusted wasn't from Our God (The Most High), but from another? This is where discernment comes in handy.  

After this blog, please ask yourself the following question: Are crystals evil? 

The Bible, The Zodiac, The Calendar, Your Birth Stone 

So, as usual, the bible has me fascinated. Today’s small study is on The Twelve Tribes of Israel and the stones that represent themBelow is a reference that I copied from online:  


Lapis lazuli 
Rock crystal 


Each tribe member had a stone that represented their tribe. Each of the twelve sons of Jacob formed a tribe which made up the twelve.  

But why have stones on a breastplate, and why does it matter which ones?


I thought, God doesn’t do anything without meaning or purpose.

Why these stones?

What would be the purpose?

Because they’re pretty?


God talks about gemstones a lot. He talks about them throughout the bible as adornments from “The Breast Plate of Aaron” all the way through to describe the “protection” over the Garden of Eden, until the end in Revelation where he speaks of the roads that are gold and the gates are pearls. 

Did you know that the stones above had to deal with the zodiac?

Yep, you got it. The Zodiac.  

Now, if you think about a calendar having twelve months, that corelates with the 12 tribes, and the 144,000 (12x12) Beings of Light in Revelation who have their names written on the 12 gates in New Earth.  

And guess what, the gates are of pearl, but where the levels of the kingdom are made of the twelve stones that represent the tribes.  


I think not.  

So... before you go all nuts on me and say Crystals/gemstones are evil, I want you to think about a few things...  

#1 Why would God adorn the Garden of Eden, his holy place, in stones? 

#2 Why would his favored (Israel) have stones that represent each of their tribes, and they are the sons of Jacob who was to have the children that would be the 144,000 that are washed in white at the end of days.  

#3 Why would God go to the trouble of mentioning each stone and where it is located if they were not important?  

#4 Why would Aaron’s breastplate have the twelve stones that symbolize the tribes as well as the twelve months of the year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac?  


Think about this verse: Good as Evil and Evil as Good.  


Gemstones are Good, but you can use them for evil purposes.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  

And Evil for Good...

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

Intention and heart have everything to do with this. Just like God says in Romans 8:28 Everything can be used for the Good of God and his purposes.  


The 12 tribes and their corresponding zodiac signs are: 

  • Reuben: Aquarius (the Water Bearer) 

  • Simeon and Levi: Gemini (the Twins) 

  • Judah: Leo (the Lion) September (The SEVENTH month) (Jesus’s (Yeshua) Tribe 

  • Zebulon: Pisces (the Fish) 

  • Issachar: Cancer 

  • Dan: Scorpio (Scorpio- The EIGHTH month) 

  • Gad: Aries 

  • Asher: Libra 

  • Naphtali: Sagittarius 

  • Joseph: Taurus 

  • Benjamin: Virgo 

  • Ephraim: Capricornus


And guess what this means?

It means that, just like everything else in this world, they lied to us about the different birthstones.

Why would they do that?  

Stones do have healing properties, and with the stones and zodiacal alignment they can be used during those months to help with the different cycles. And when not used at the right time, you wouldn’t be in alignment, and they would be utterly uselessThis is how Satan works. Satan makes the good things of God evil.  

You do realize that the months are all off, right?

Oct means what? why do we call October the tenth month? Why is a decade ten years, but December is the 12th month? Why does Nova mean 9 everywhere but November is the 11th monthBecause they don’t want us to know the truth. They don’t want us to understand the very things that The Most High God has provided for us. He tells us to use the constellations and the Moon and the Sun for signs and symbols, but then we have the numbers all off.

Why did they take the book of Jubilees from the bible?

Why didn’t they include Enoch?

God is not the author of confusion, Satan is. God provides everything, and there will be no stone left unturned before this is all over.


The dates at which the sun enters the signs of the zodiac in the course of a year are specified in the accompanying table. 

Sun Enters 

Hebrew Name. 

Approximate Date. 

First of Hebrew Month. 

Approximate Hebrew Date. 

Jewish Constellation. 

Astronomical Signs. 



March 21 


March 27 





April 21 


April 26 





May 22 


May 25 





June 22 


June 24 





July 23 


July 23 





Aug. 24 


Aug. 23 





Sept. 24 


Sept. 22 





Oct. 24 


Oct. 22 





Nov. 23 


Nov. 19 





Dec. 22 


Dec. 18 





Jan. 20 


Jan. 16 





Feb. 19 


Feb. 15 





The motives underlying the choice of the symbolic signs are obvious in the case of some and only conjectural in the case of others. All may be traced to Assyrian mythology and influence. The Jews during the Babylonian exile adopted Hebraicized forms of the Assyrian names of the months and constellations. In some instances, the Rabbis endeavored to explain the origin of these names. Thus they said that the Temple could not be destroyed in the first month (Nisan) since the sign Aries is a reminder of the 'Aḳedah, Isaac representing the sacrificial "á¹­aleh" (= "lamb"). In the second month (Iyyar) the sign Taurus or Shor (= "ox") recalls the "calf tender and good" (Gen. xviii. 7) which Abraham provided for the angels; and in the third month (Siwan) the sign Gemini (= "twins") represents Esau and Jacob. In the fourth month (Tammuz) the sign Cancer (= "crab"), which lives in water, represents Moses, who was saved from water, while in the fifth month (Ab), which is designated by the sign of Leo, "the lion is come up from his thicket" (Jer. iv. 7), the Temple named "Ariel" (= "the lion of God") was destroyed (Isa. xxix. 1; Pesiḳ. R. 27-28 [ed. Friedmann, p. 133b]). The constellations represent the Creation: Aries is light and Taurus is darkness; Gemini represents the two sexes; Cancer symbolizes man, who first retreats to nooks and corners like the crab, but eventually becomes as brave as a lion (= "Leo"); Virgo is a symbol of marriage; Libra weighs all the deeds of man, who, if found guilty, is punished by Scorpio, a symbol of Gehinnom; after purification in Mercy, however, he is cast forth as quickly as an arrow from a bow, represented by Sagittarius, and becomes as innocent as a kid and is purified as by water poured by Aquarius (Pesiḳ. R. 20 [ed. Friedmann, p. 97b]). Leaving duality as represented by the twin fish (Pisces) 


Now back to the beginning...

As we know what the tribes and their meanings are that follow along with the purpose of the crystals, ask yourself the question that I posed at the beginning: Are crystals evil?

Intentions are the key. If you are focusing on crystals as the sole healer, then yes... If you are looking to God to heal you, then no. It's all energy.

My mission is to meet people where they are and to bring them to 

Glory with The Most High God.  



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