Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Book of Jubilees: Part 17 (Lesser Genesis)

     Hi, and thank you for joining me at 144Judah!  "The Book of the Jubilees" which is also known by some as "Lesser Genesis" is a very interesting book as it gives us more background and how the background was given. We learned in part one that Moses received this word on Mount Sinai from an Angel/Malek (Messenger) of the LORD, in the second chapter, we learn about what God created and on which days...and we also learn that God's Chosen People: ISRAEL are to keep the Shabbats. To not do so is to die. Yesterday, we learned that Adam and Eve were cursed for taking from the tree in the middle of the Garden, then we go down the lines until we hit Noah and his family and learn that there were a lot more people born of Adam and Eve then we have heard of in Genesis. After this, Noah gets into the Ark and the waters begin to rise; and the world completely changes and we are given our calendar. 13 weeks between each change of the season. 4 Divisions. Each start at the Observance of the New Moon. 364 Day calendar! As Noah commands his son about the observances and of what he sees of his own children and how they have been fighting and their children aren't doing what they are supposed to, Noah tells them that he worries that they will be taken care of by God...and not in a good way, which leads us to the sons of Noah dividing their inheritance (the earth) by using lots. We learn of the land which they decided upon, and Noah is overjoyed because of a prophecy that he had spoken about Shem and The Almighty God blessing him. Who are Shem's people -- eventually? The Sons of Jacob...The Twelve Tribes... ISRAEL. And in the 9th Chapter, Noah has his son's swear an oath that when they divide their land to their sons, that none of them will try to take any of their brothers' land. What happens if they do? Cursed... which brings us to Canaan and how he stole from Shem's lot... which makes a lot more sense as to why Canaan is The Land of Milk and Honey and how it is The Promised Land of God's Chosen People through Shem's line. Then we come to Babel, and the son's language have now been confounded...and the people who once spoke Hebrew are no longer. Things are far away from The Most High God now, and the land has now gone from being divided between Noah's son's sons to Ham's son Canaan, taking Shem's land. So...we now are seeing the line that leads us down into Abram (Abraham) who we learn loves God and has learned basically what not to do from his father's example. And the coolest part? God speaks to him and Abraham listens! God chooses him because Abraham chose God and God reveals to him the language of Hebrew, and now Abraham has been given his fathers books... what books you say? Oh, just the ones that Noah scribed... And guess what? Nobody has been able to read the language for many years. So, this all fits with the other book that I have been reading "The Book of Formation" Serfi Yetzirah... After favoring and blessing Abraham, God shows him everything that he can see and tells him that this land and all of it is his and his people's. He is the Father of All Nations! So, now we learn that Lot, his nephew, has been taken, and Abraham leaves to go get him. Which brings us to Abram having a vision and a promise that he will father a child, that he will have many. God shows him that his people will be strangers in a strange land for 400 years...which brings us to the circumcision and the importance of it and what it means to get it and not get it. This is the torah...We see in 16 that Abraham will not pass away until after he sees all of his children born (6 more sons) after Isaac. We also learn that all of those children of Abraham will be gentiles....all but Isaac. In Isaac is the Holy Kodesh...seed... 



Once again, my commentary on this is in BOLD. :) Enjoy!  This is copied from online sources as it is FREE for all. This book was taken out by almost all mainstream bibles. I use the KJV and it was removed by the Nicean Council. More on that later.

The Book Of Jubilees Chapter 17

Abraham made a great banquet for Yitschaq when he was weaned

1 And in the first year of the fifth week Yitschaq was weaned in this jubilee, [1982 A.M.] and Abraham made a great banquet in the third month, on the day his son Yitschaq was weaned.

2 And Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, was before the face of Abraham, his father, in his place, and Abraham rejoiced and blessed YAHWEH because he had seen his sons and had not died childless.

3 And he remembered the words which He had spoken to him on the day on which Lot had parted from him, and he rejoiced because YAHWEH had given him seed upon the earth to inherit the earth, and he blessed with all his mouth the Creator of all things.

4 And Sarah saw Ishmael playing and dancing, and Abraham rejoicing with great joy, and she became jealous of Ishmael and said to Abraham, 'Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman will not be heir with my son, Yitschaq.'

5 And the thing was grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his maidservant and because of his son, that he should drive them from him.

6 And YAHWEH said to Abraham 'Let it not be grievous in your sight, because of the child and because of the bondwoman; in all that Sarah has said to you, listen to her words and do them; for in Yitschaq shall your name and seed be called.

7 But as for the son of this bondwoman I will make him a great nation, because he is of your seed.'

8 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water, and placed them on the shoulders of Hagar and the child, and sent her away.

9 And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba, and the water in the bottle was spent, and the child thirsted, and was not able to go on, and fell down.

10 And his mother took him and cast him under an olive tree, and went and sat her down over against him, at the distance of a bow-shot; for she said, 'Let me not see the death of my child,' and as she sat she wept.

11 And a malak of YAHWEH, one of the kodesh ones, said to her, 'Why weep you, Hagar? Arise take the child, and hold him in your hand; for YAHWEH has heard your voice, and has seen the child.'

12 And she opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, and she went and filled her bottle with water, and she gave her child to drink, and she arose and went towards the wilderness of Paran.

13 And the child grew and became an archer, and YAHWEH was with him, and his mother took him a wife from among the daughters of Egypt.

14 And she bare him a son, and he called his name Nebaioth; for she said, 'YAHWEH was nigh to me when I called upon Him.'

15 And it came to pass in the seventh week, in the first year thereof, [2003 A.M.] in the first month in this jubilee, on the twelfth of this month, there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in all that He told him, and that he loved YAHWEH, and that in every affliction he was faithful.

16 And the prince Mastema came and said before YAHWEH, 'Behold, Abraham loves Yitschaq his son, and he delights in him above all things else; bid him offer him as a burnt-offering on the altar, and You will see if he will do this command, an (This demon needs to go...he is super annoying)

17 And YAHWEH knew that Abraham was faithful in all his afflictions; for He had tried him through his country and with famine, and had tried him with the wealth of kings, and had tried him again through his wife, when she was torn from him, and with circumcision; and had tried him through Ishmael and Hagar, his maid-servant, when he sent them away.

18 And in everything wherein He had tried him, he was found faithful, and his soul was not impatient, and he was not slow to act; for he was faithful and a lover of YAHWEH.

All of this we knew already from Genesis...all except for now knowing that a demon prince wants to take souls of good people like Abraham. This guy needs to go...honestly. What do you think? Send me a message and let's chat about this! ... Tomorrow's the first day of December! I will be doing a few blogs a day starting then so I can get this done and finish Exodus!)

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