Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Book of Jubilees: Part 4: (Lesser Genesis)

   Hi, and thank you for joining me at 144Judah!  "The Book of the Jubilees" which is also known by some as "Lesser Genesis" is a very interesting book as it gives us more background and how the background was given. We learned in part one that Moses received this word on Mount Sinai from an Angel/Malek (Messenger) of the LORD, in the second chapter, we learn about what God created and on which days...and we also learn that God's Chosen People: ISRAEL are to keep the Shabbats. To not do so is to die. Yesterday, we learned that Adam and Eve were cursed for taking from the tree in the middle of the Garden, and today we start the 4th chapter! 

Once again, my commentary on this is in BOLD. :) Enjoy!  This is copied from online sources as it is FREE for all. This book was taken out by almost all mainstream bibles. I use the KJV and it was removed by the Nicean Council. More on that later. 

The Book Of Jubilees Chapter 4

Cain and Able

1 And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan. (This is different for sure... So, now we are given a timeline of when the children are born. I don't know how they could be born in different weeks, unless they mean years, and I am really unsure about Awan. This is the first that we have even heard of a daughter.)

2 And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, (3rd set of seven years) Cain slew Abel because YAHWEH accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain.

3 And he slew him in the field: and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him.

4 And YAHWEH reproved Cain because of Abel, because he had slain him, and he made him a fugitive on the earth because of the blood of his brother, and he cursed him upon the earth.

5 And on this account it is written on the heavenly tables, 'Cursed is he who smites his neighbour treacherously, and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and the man who has seen and not declared it, let him be accursed as the other.' (Now we know where "Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself" comes in...)

6 And for this reason we announce when we come before YAHWEH our Sovereign Ruler all the sin which is committed in heaven and on earth, and in light and in darkness, and everywhere.

7 And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, [99-127 A.M] and in the fourth year of the fifth week [130 A.M.] they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said 'YAHWEH has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.'

8 And in the sixth week [134-40 A.M.] he begat his daughter Azura. (This is new!)

9 And Cain took Awan his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. (Okay, I wondered about this... I assumed it was a cave dweller...) [190-196 A.M.] And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.

10 And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine sons. (This is all new!)

11 And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee [225-31 A.M.] Seth took Azura (another new person) his sister to be his wife, and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) [235 A.M.] she bare him Enos.

12 He began to call on the NAME of YAHWEH on the earth. (WOOHOO!)

13 And in the seventh jubilee in the third week [309-15 A.M.] Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name Kenan.

14 And at the close of the eighth jubilee [325, 386-3992 A.M.] Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the ninth jubilee, in the first week in the third year of this week, [395 A.M] and he called his name Mahalalel.

15 And in the second week of the tenth jubilee [449-55 A.M.] Mahalalel took unto him to wife Dinah, the daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year, [461 A.M.] and he called his name Jared,(THE NAME JARED MEANS TO DESCEND) for in his days the malakim of YAHWEH descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth.

16 And in the eleventh jubilee [512-18 A.M.] Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Baraka, the daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's brother, in the fourth week of this jubilee, [522 A.M.] and she bare him a son in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the jubilee, and he called his name Enoch. (This is our beloved Enoch! Noah's great grandfather)

17 And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.

18 And he was the first to write a testimony and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Shabbats of the years as we made them, known to him.

19 And what was and what will be he saw in a vision of his sleep, as it will happen to the children of men throughout their generations until the Day of Judgment; he saw and understood everything, and wrote his testimony, and placed the testimony on earth for all the children of men and for their generations. (This is in the Book of Enoch- which they also took out of our Modern Day Bible.)

20 And in the twelfth jubilee, [582-88] in the seventh week thereof, he took to himself a wife, and her name was Edna, the daughter of Danel, the daughter of his father's brother, and in the sixth year in this week [587 A.M.] she bare him a son and he called his name Methuselah. (Noah's Grandfather)

21 And he was moreover with the malakim of YAHWEH these six jubilees of years, and they showed him everything which is on earth and in the heavens, the rule of the sun, and he wrote down everything. (Enoch wrote it all down)

22 And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch testified against them all.

23 And he was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honor, and behold there he writes down the condemnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men. (And here is where ENOCH is until this day)

24 And on account of it YAHWEH brought the waters of the flood upon all the land of Eden; for there he was set as a sign and that he should testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the deeds of the generations until the day of condemnation. (He is in charge of keeping it all written down. My guess is this is the book of life.)

25 And he burnt the incense of the sanctuary, (even) sweet spices acceptable before YAHWEH on the Mount.

26 For YAHWEH has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which you are this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt and its uncleanness throughout the generations of the world. (This is talking about "the End Days" when the Earth will be purified of its sins and we will reign with Christ for 1000 years)

27 And in the fourteenth jubilee [652 A.M.] Methuselah took unto himself a wife, Edna the daughter of Azrial, the daughter of his father's brother, in the third week, in the first year of this week, [701-7 A.M.] and he begat a son and called his name Lamech. (Noah's Dad)

28 And in the fifteenth jubilee in the third week Lamech took to himself a wife, and her name was Betenos the daughter of Baraki'il, the daughter of his father's brother, and in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Noah, saying, 'This one will comfort me for my trouble and all my work, and for the ground which YAHWEH has cursed.' (This part is funny because Noah's name means Rest...but clearly Noah isn't at rest at all as he will be the one to start everything all over, but he will be at rest from the curse...)

29 And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year [930 A.M.] thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth.

30 And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: 'On the day that you eat thereof you shall die.' For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it. (Oh wow!)

31 At the close of this jubilee Cain was killed after him in the same year; for his house fell upon him and he died in the midst of his house, and he was killed by its stones; for with a stone he had killed Abel, and by a stone was he killed in righteous judgment. (WOW! Remember, Lamech was said to Kill him - Noah's wife's dad...THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, and makes a lot more sense.)

32 For this reason it was ordained on the heavenly tablets: With the instrument with which a man kills his neighbour with the same shall he be killed; after the manner that he wounded him, in like manner shall they deal with him.'

33 And in the twenty-fifth [1205 A.M.] jubilee Noah took to himself a wife, and her name was Emzara, the daughter of Rake'el, the daughter of his father's brother, in the first year in the fifth week [1207 A.M.]: and in the third year thereof she bare him Shem, in the fifth year thereof [1209 A.M.] she bare him Ham, and in the first year in the sixth week [1212 A.M.] she bare him Japheth.  (WOW... once again, this is completely different than the way that I was taught. I will be going back over this again. I will let you know if there are any updates!)

So, I just went back and looked at the name of Noah's wife that I knew it to be... I am actually really intrigued by this. One of the things that I had wondered before was the lineage of Noah's wife as God is doing a complete restart, right? It never made sense to me that God would do restart but still have the Cain bloodline here on earth... How would that have been a good idea? 

This right here says that his wife would have been a Sethite...not of Cain's blood at all... This makes more sense. 

Check out what I found on Wikipedia: 

  1. Emzara: The earliest known name given for Noah’s wife is Emzara, which means “mother of a princess.” This name appears in the non-canonical Book of Jubilees (written around 160 B.C.E.). According to this text, Emzara is Noah’s first cousin, the daughter of Rake’el (Noah’s father’s brother) 1. She faithfully stood by Noah as he built the ark, and together with her daughters-in-law, she entered the ark to survive the great flood.

  2. Naamah: In later rabbinic literature, Noah’s wife is identified as Naamah. According to the Genesis Rabbah (c. 300–500 C.E.), a collection of ancient rabbinical interpretations, Naamah is the daughter of Lamech and the sister of Tubal-Cain (Genesis 4:22) 1. This tradition gives her a different identity from the earlier Emzara.

  3. Cainite vs. Sethite Naamah: It’s interesting to note that the Naamah mentioned in the Bible is a Cainite, a descendant in the lineage of Cain. However, a Sethite Naamah is named as the wife of Noah and a daughter of Enoch (Noah’s great-grandfather) in medieval midrash 2.

In summary, while the canonical text leaves her unnamed, these ancient traditions provide glimpses into the life of Noah’s steadfast wife, whether as Emzara or Naamah. Her role alongside Noah during the momentous events of the flood underscores her importance as a matriarch in human history.

I am completely blown away with this book thus far. What do you think? Why do you think this book isn't talked more about? If anything, the genealogy of the names of the families should make you question a lot of things that you have learned. Why wouldn't this book be included? Let's keep going for further study. 

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