Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Book of Jubilees: Chapters 28 and 29 (Lesser Genesis)

      Hi, and thank you for joining me at 144Judah!  "The Book of the Jubilees" which is also known by some as "Lesser Genesis" is a very interesting book as it gives us more background and how the background was given. We learned in part one that Moses received this word on Mount Sinai from an Angel/Malek (Messenger) of the LORD, in the second chapter, we learn about what God created and on which days...and we also learn that God's Chosen People: ISRAEL are to keep the Shabbats. To not do so is to die. Yesterday, we learned that Adam and Eve were cursed for taking from the tree in the middle of the Garden, then we go down the lines until we hit Noah and his family and learn that there were a lot more people born of Adam and Eve then we have heard of in Genesis. After this, Noah gets into the Ark and the waters begin to rise; and the world completely changes and we are given our calendar. 13 weeks between each change of the season. 4 Divisions. Each start at the Observance of the New Moon. 364 Day calendar! As Noah commands his son about the observances and of what he sees of his own children and how they have been fighting and their children aren't doing what they are supposed to, Noah tells them that he worries that they will be taken care of by God...and not in a good way, which leads us to the sons of Noah dividing their inheritance (the earth) by using lots. We learn of the land which they decided upon, and Noah is overjoyed because of a prophecy that he had spoken about Shem and The Almighty God blessing him. Who are Shem's people -- eventually? The Sons of Jacob...The Twelve Tribes... ISRAEL. And in the 9th Chapter, Noah has his son's swear an oath that when they divide their land to their sons, that none of them will try to take any of their brothers' land. What happens if they do? Cursed... which brings us to Canaan and how he stole from Shem's lot... which makes a lot more sense as to why Canaan is The Land of Milk and Honey and how it is The Promised Land of God's Chosen People through Shem's line. Then we come to Babel, and the son's language have now been confounded...and the people who once spoke Hebrew are no longer. Things are far away from The Most High God now, and the land has now gone from being divided between Noah's son's sons to Ham's son Canaan, taking Shem's land. So...we now are seeing the line that leads us down into Abram (Abraham) who we learn loves God and has learned basically what not to do from his father's example. And the coolest part? God speaks to him and Abraham listens! God chooses him because Abraham chose God and God reveals to him the language of Hebrew, and now Abraham has been given his fathers' books... what books you say? Oh, just the ones that Noah scribed... And guess what? Nobody has been able to read the language for many years. So, this all fits with the other book that I have been reading "The Book of Formation" Serif Yetzirah... After favoring and blessing Abraham, God shows him everything that he can see and tells him that this land and all of it is his and his people's. He is the Father of All Nations! So, now we learn that Lot, his nephew, has been taken, and Abraham leaves to go get him. Which brings us to Abram having a vision and a promise that he will father a child, that he will have many. God shows him that his people will be strangers in a strange land for 400 years...which brings us to the circumcision and the importance of it and what it means to get it and not get it. This is the torah...We see in 16 that Abraham will not pass away until after he sees all of his children born (6 more sons) after Isaac. We also learn that all of those children of Abraham will be gentiles....all but Isaac. In Isaac is the Holy Kodesh...seed... At the end of 17, the demon prince wants Yahweh to ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to see if he will do it or not... This is a whole Job situation here...and now we have made it to the 18th and 19th chapter where Jacob and Esau are born and Isaac loves Esau the best and Rebecca loves Jacob the best, but Abraham's blessing is going to go to Jacob... He tells Rebecca to take care of Jacob because he is special. And now we come to 20 and 21 where Abraham is on his death bed and gives instructions on what to do and what not to do... One is no fornicating, and the other no marrying anyone from Canaan... The people from Canaan will be rooted out... In 22 and 23 we learn that Abraham has died with Jacob in his arms -- after blessing him greatly. We also learn why we die so early and the upcoming tribulation, and then there is Esau and Jacob...Esau gives his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup out of red pottery, he is then known as Edom... Esau also is with two women from Canaan! Remember what Abraham said about Canaan? DON'T GO THERE! Esau his people will be rooted out in the end... Which leads us to Palestine...I mean Luz, I mean Bethel, the place where God has blessed and where Jacob had his vision of the "ladder from heaven to earth"...Surely this is GOD'S Land! 

Once again, my commentary on this is in BOLD. :) Enjoy!  This is copied from online sources as it is FREE for all. This book was taken out by almost all mainstream bibles. I use the KJV and it was removed by the Nicean Council. More on that later.

The Book Of Jubilees Chapter 28

Laban gives Leah his elder daughter to Yacob as a wife

1 And he went on his journey, and came to the land of the east, to Laban, the brother of Rebecca, and he was with him, and served him for Rachel his daughter one week.

2 And in the first year of the third week [2122 A.M.] he said to him: 'Give me my wife, for whom I have served you seven years '; and Laban said to Yacob: 'I will give you your wife.'

3 And Laban made a feast, and took Leah his elder daughter, and gave (her) to Yacob as a wife, and gave her Zilpah his handmaid for an handmaid; and Yacob did not know, for he thought that she was Rachel.

4 And he went in unto her, and behold, she was Leah; and Yacob was angry with Laban, and said to him: 'Why have you dealt this way with me? Did not I serve you for Rachel and not for Leah? Why have you wronged me?

5 Take your daughter, and I will go; for you have done evil to me.' For Yacob loved Rachel more than Leah; for Leah's eyes were weak (There is nothing about this in Genesis- a reason why he doesn't want Rachel, other than he wanted Rachel since he saw her at the well. I am not sure if this means she is a fornicator or if it means that she worships other gods or if she is going blind. lol), but her form was very handsome; but Rachel had beautiful eyes and a beautiful and very handsome form.

6 And Laban said to Yacob: 'It is not so done in our country, to give the younger before the elder.' And it is not right to do this; for thus it is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets, that no one should give his younger daughter before the elder; but the elder, one gives first and after her the younger -and the man who does so, they set down guilt against him in heaven, and none is righteous that does this thing, for this deed is evil before YAHWEH.

7 And command you the children of Yisrael that they do not this thing; let them neither take nor give the younger before they have given the elder, for it is very wicked.

8 And Laban said to Yacob: 'Let the seven days of the feast of this one pass by, and I shall give you Rachel, that you may serve me another seven years, that you may pasture my sheep as you didst in the former week.' And on the day when the seven days of the feast of Leah had passed, Laban gave Rachel to Yacob, that he might serve him another seven years, and he gave to Rachel Bilhah, the sister of Zilpah, as a handmaid.

10 And he served yet other seven years for Rachel, for Leah had been given to him for nothing. (This still makes me mad, the way this all went down...but it serves him right for tricking his dad and his brother...)

11 And YAHWEH opened the womb of Leah, and she conceived and bare Yacob a son, and he called his name Reuben, on the fourteenth day of the ninth month, in the first year of the third week. [2122 A.M.]

12 But the womb of Rachel was closed, for YAHWEH saw that Leah was hated and Rachel loved.

13 And again Yacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare Yacob a second son, and he called his name Simeon, on the twenty-first of the tenth month, and in the third year of this week. [2124 A.M.]

14 And again Yacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare him a third son, and he called his name Levi, in the new month of the first month in the sixth year of this week. [2127 A.M.]

15 And again Yacob went in unto her, and she conceived, and bare him a fourth son, and he called his name Yahudah, on the fifteenth of the third month, in the first year of the fourth week. [2129 A.M.]

16 And on account of all this Rachel envied Leah, for she did not bear, and she said to Yacob: 'Give me children'; and Yacob said: 'Have I withheld from you the fruits of your womb? Have I forsaken you?'

17 And when Rachel saw that Leah had borne four sons to Yacob, Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Yahudah, she said to him: 'Go in unto Bilhah my handmaid, and she will conceive, and bear a son unto me.'

18 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife. And he went in unto her, and she conceived, and bare him a son, and he called his name Dan, on the ninth of the sixth month, in the sixth year of the third week. [2127 A.M.]

19 And Yacob went in again unto Bilhah a second time, and she conceived, and bare Yacob another son, and Rachel called his name Napthali, on the fifth of the seventh month, in the second year of the fourth week. [2130 A.M.]

20 And when Leah saw that she had become sterile and did not bear, she envied Rachel, and she also gave her handmaid Zilpah to Yacob to wife, and she conceived, and bare a son, and Leah called his name Gad, on the twelfth of the eighth month, in the third year of the fourth week. [2131 A.M.]

21 And he went in again unto her, and she conceived, and bare him a second son, and Leah called his name Asher, on the second of the eleventh month, in the fifth year of the fourth week. [2133 A.M.]

22 And Yacob went in unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Issachar, on the fourth of the fifth month, in the fourth year of the fourth week,[2132 A.M.] and she gave him to a nurse.

23 And Yacob went in again unto her, and she conceived, and bare two (children), a son and a daughter, and she called the name of the son Zabulon, and the name of the daughter Dinah (This sounds like they were twins...I missed this in Genesis. I will check to see if it is written this way there. Nope... I checked, it mentions Zebulon's birth and then it says and then after she bare a daughter.), in the seventh of the seventh month, in the sixth year of the fourth week. [2134 A.M.]

24 And YAHWEH was gracious to Rachel, and opened her womb, and she conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Yoseph, on the new month of the fourth month, in the sixth year in this fourth week. [2134 A.M.]

25 And in the days when Yoseph was born, Yacob said to Laban: 'Give me my wives and sons, and let me go to my father Yitschaq, and let me make me an house; for I have completed the years in which I have served you for your two daughters, and I will go to the house of my father.'

26 And Laban said to Yacob: 'Tarry with me for your wages, and pasture my flock for me again, and take your wages.'

27 And they agreed with one another that he should give him as his wages those of the lambs and kids which were born black and spotted and white, (these) were to be his wages. (Yet another trick of Jacob's...)

28 And all the sheep brought forth spotted and speckled and black, variously marked, and they brought forth again lambs like themselves, and all that were spotted were Yacob's and those which were not were Laban's.

29 And Yacob's possessions multiplied exceedingly, and he possessed oxen and sheep and asses and camels, and menservants and maid-servants.

30 And Laban and his sons envied Yacob, and Laban took back his sheep from him, and he observed him with evil intent.

The Book Of Jubilees Chapter 29

After Rachel had borne Yoseph, Yacob leaves Laban secretly

1 And it came to pass when Rachel had borne Yoseph, that Laban went to shear his sheep; for they were distant from him a three days' journey.

2 And Yacob saw that Laban was going to shear his sheep, and Yacob called Leah and Rachel, and spoke kindly unto them that they should come with him to the land of Canaan.

3 For he told them how he had seen everything in a dream, even all that He had spoken unto him that he should return to his father's house, and they said: 'To every place where you go we will go with you.'

4 And Yacob blessed YAHWEH the ALMIGHTY of Yitschaq his father, and the ALMIGHTY of Abraham his father's father, and he arose and mounted his wives and his children, and took all his possessions and crossed the river, and came to the land of Gilead, and Yacob hid his intention from Laban and told him not.

5 And in the seventh year of the fourth week Yacob turned his face toward Gilead in the first month, on the twenty-first thereof. [2135 A.M.] And Laban pursued after him and overtook Yacob in the mountain of Gilead in the third month, on the thirteenth thereof.

6 And YAHWEH did not suffer him to injure Yacob; for he appeared to him in a dream by night.

7 And Laban spoke to Yacob. And on the fifteenth of those days Yacob made a feast for Laban, and for all who came with him, and Yacob swore to Laban that day, and Laban also to Yacob, that neither should cross the mountain of Gilead to the other with evil purpose.

8 And he made there a heap for a witness; wherefore the name of that place is called: 'The Heap of Witness,' after this heap.

9 But before they used to call the land of Gilead the land of the Rephaim; for it was the land of the Rephaim, and the Rephaim were born (there), giants whose height was ten, nine, eight down to seven cubits. (This was not in Genesis at all...unless we are talking about the giants (Nephilim) after the watchers went into the daughters of men. The conversion from cubits to feet: 15ft down to 12ft tall...)

10 And their habitation was from the land of the children of Ammon (this makes sense...the children of Ammon- Ben Ammi? This would be the place where Lot's daughters' sons went. Remember Moab and Ben Ammi? The two sons that were born of the fornication between daughters and father? Yikes... This was just after Lot got his two daughters and wife out of Sodom, and the wife turned around (turned into a pillar of salt) and the daughters were able to get out with Lot...but they got him drunk and slept with him, one after the other, and had two sons--Moab and Ben-Ammi, which came to the land Moab and Ammon. They worshipped Molech...) to Mount Hermon, and the seats of their kingdom were Karnaim and Ashtaroth, and Edrei, and Misur, and Beon.

11 And YAHWEH destroyed them because of the evil of their deeds; for they were very malignant, and the Amorites dwelt in their stead, wicked and sinful, and there is no people to-day which has wrought to the full all their sins, and they have no longer length of life on the earth.

12 And Yacob sent away Laban, and he departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East, and Yacob returned to the land of Gilead.

13 And he passed over the Jabbok (A river in Eastern Palestine) in the ninth month, on the eleventh thereof. And on that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he was reconciled to him, and departed from him to the land of Seir, but Yacob dwelt in tents.

14 And in the first year of the fifth week in this jubilee [2136 A.M.] he crossed the Jordan, and dwelt beyond the Jordan, and he pastured his sheep from the sea of the heap unto Bethshan, and unto Dothan and unto the forest of Akrabbim.

15 And he sent to his father Yitschaq of all his substance, clothing, and food, and meat, and drink, and milk, and butter, and cheese, and some dates of the valley. (This wasn't mentioned in Genesis either)

16 And to his mother Rebecca also four times a year, between the times of the months, between ploughing and reaping, and between autumn and the rain (season) and between winter and spring, to the tower of Abraham.

17 For Yitschaq had returned from the ‘Well of the Oath' and gone up to the tower of his father Abraham, and he dwelt there apart from his son Esau.

18 For in the days when Yacob went to Mesopotamia, Esau took to himself a wife Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael, and he gathered together all the flocks of his father and his wives, and went up and dwelt on Mount Seir, and left Yitschaq his father at the ‘Well of the Oath' alone.

19 And Yitschaq went up from the ‘Well of the Oath' and dwelt in the tower of Abraham his father on the mountains of Hebron,

20 And thither Yacob sent all that he did send to his father and his mother from time to time, all they needed, and they blessed Yacob with all their heart and with all their soul.

Well, that's the end of today's blog. We found out a few extras in the whole Lesser about those Giants in Ammon? Yeah, that's not a LITTLE thing... We know what the Giants did in the days of Noah. Why do you think it wasn't mentioned in Genesis? What is the significance? Do you think it was important to note that the place used to be called the land of the Rephaim and now changed to "The Heap of Witness"? Let me know in the comment section or send me an email to:

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