Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Book of Yasher (Jasher) Parts 35 and 36

  Hi, and thank you for joining me at 144Judah! We are now on "The Book of Yasher" (Jasher). This is an apocryphal text, meaning it was taken out of the bible. This book is included in some versions still today. One of the biggest reasons for doing this: it is referenced in three sections in the bible. Why would they take a book out that has been referenced? Well, we know that they did this also to Enoch, and Enoch is a very important book. I tend to find when "official" people don't include something, it means they don't want us to know what's what. And...me, being me, doesn't like that. So, pull up a chair, and put your thinking cap on. Better yet, put your feeling cap on, and let me know what you feel about this! Any questions? Email me at theawakeningtalk@gmail.com. 


The Fear of YAHWEH come upon the Canaanites, and they do not Fight with Yacob.

1 And all the kings of the Amorites came and took their stand in the field to consult with their counsellors what was to be done with the sons of Yacob, for they were still afraid of them, saying, Behold, two of them slew the whole of the city of Shechem. (Remember this was all because of what happened with Dinah.)

2 And YAHWEH heard the prayers of Isaac and Yacob, and he filled the hearts of all these kings' advisers with great fear and terror that they unanimously exclaimed,

3 Are you silly this day, or is there no understanding in you, that you will fight with the Hebrews, and why will you take a delight in your own destruction this day? (This is what I'm saying... the people don't seem to learn.)

4 Behold two of them came to the city of Shechem without fear or terror, and they killed all the inhabitants of the city, that no man stood up against them, and how will you be able to fight with them all?

5 Surely you know that their YAHWEH is exceedingly fond of them, and has done mighty things for them, such as have not been done from days of old, and among all the gods of nations, there is none can do like unto his mighty deeds.

6 Surely he delivered their father Abraham, the Hebrew, from the hand of Nimrod, and from the hand of all his people who had many times sought to slay him.

7 He delivered him also from the fire in which king Nimrod had cast him, and YAHWEH his Elohim delivered him from it.

8 And who else can do the like? surely it was Abraham who slew the five kings of Elam, when they had touched his brother's son who in those days dwelt in Sodom. (Lot) 

9 And took his servant that was faithful in his house and a few of his men, and they pursued the kings of Elam in one night and killed them, and restored to his brother's son all his property which they had taken from him.

10 And surely you know YAHWEH the Elohim of these Hebrews is much delighted with them, and they are also delighted with him, for they know that he delivered them from all their enemies.

11 And behold through his love toward YAHWEH his Elohim, Abraham took his only and precious son and intended to bring him up as a burnt offering to YAHWEH his Elohim, and had it not been for YAHWEH who prevented him from doing this, he would then have done it through his love to YAHWEH his Elohim.

12 And YAHWEH saw all his works, and swore unto him, and promised him that he would deliver his sons and all his seed from every trouble that would befall them, because he had done this thing, and through his love to YAHWEH his Elohim stifled his compassion for his child.

13 And have you not heard what YAHWEH their Elohim did to Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to Abimelech king of Gerar, through taking Abraham's wife, who said of her, She is my sister, lest they might slay him on account of her, and think of taking her for a wife? and YAHWEH did unto them and their people all that you heard of.

14 And behold, we ourselves saw with our eyes that Esau, the brother of Yacob, came to him with four hundred men, with the intention of slaying him, for he called to mind that he had taken away from him his father's blessing.

15 And he went to meet him when he came from Syria, to smite the mother with the children, and who delivered him from his hands but YAHWEH his Elohim in whom he trusted? he delivered him from the hand of his brother and also from the hands of his enemies, and surely he again will protect them.

16 Who does not know that it was YAHWEH their Elohim who inspired them with strength to do to the town of Shechem the evil which you heard of? (hmm... I don't know about that)

17 Could it then be with their own strength that two men could destroy such a large city as Shechem had it not been for YAHWEH their Elohim in whom they trusted? he said and did unto them all this to slay the inhabitants of the city in their city.

18 And can you then prevail over them who have come forth together from your city to fight with the whole of them, even if a thousand times as many more should come to your assistance?

19 Surely you know and understand that you do not come to fight with them, but you come to war with YAHWEH their Elohim who made choice of them, and you have therefore all come this day to be destroyed.

20 Now therefore refrain from this evil which you are endeavoring to bring upon yourselves, and it will be better for you not to go to battle with them, although they are but few in numbers, because YAHWEH their Elohim is with them.

21 And when the kings of the Amorites heard all the words of their advisers, their hearts were filled with terror, and they were afraid of the sons of Yacob and would not fight against them.

22 And they inclined their ears to the words of their advisers, and they listened to all their words, and the words of the counsellors greatly pleased the kings, and they did so.

23 And the kings turned and refrained from the sons of Yacob, for they durst not approach them to make war with them, for they were greatly afraid of them, and their hearts melted within them from their fear of them.

24 For this proceeded from YAHWEH to them, for he heard the prayers of his servants Isaac and Yacob, for they trusted in him; and all these kings returned with their camps on that day, each to his own city, and they did not at that time fight with the sons of Yacob.

25 And the sons of Yacob kept their station that day till evening opposite mount Sihon, and seeing that these kings did not come to fight against them, the sons of Yacob returned home.


Yacob and his House goes to Bethel, where YAHWEH appears to him, calls his name Yisrael, and Blesses him. The Generations of Yacob and Esau.

1 At that time YAHWEH appeared unto Yacob saying, Arise, go to Bethel and remain there, and make there an altar to YAHWEH who appears unto you, who delivered you and your sons from affliction.

2 And Yacob rose up with his sons and all belonging to him, and they went and came to Bethel according to the word of YAHWEH.

3 And Yacob was ninety-nine years old when he went up to Bethel, and Yacob and his sons and all the people that were with him, remained in Bethel in Luz, and he there built an altar to YAHWEH who appeared unto him, and Yacob and his sons remained in Bethel six months.

4 At that time died Deborah the daughter of Uz, the nurse of Rebecca, who had been with Yacob; and Yacob buried her beneath Bethel under an oak that was there.

5 And Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel, the mother of Yacob, also died at that time in Hebron, the same is Kireath-arba, and she was buried in the cave of Machpelah which Abraham had bought from the children of Heth.

6 And the life of Rebecca was one hundred and thirty-three years, and she died and when Yacob heard that his mother Rebecca was dead he wept bitterly for his mother, and made a great mourning for her, and for Deborah her nurse beneath the oak, and he called the name of that place Allon-bachuth.

7 And Laban the Syrian died in those days, for YAHWEH smote him because he transgressed the covenant that existed between him and Yacob.

8 And Yacob was a hundred years old when YAHWEH appeared unto him, and blessed him and called his name Yisrael, and Rachel the wife of Yacob conceived in those days. (100!!)

9 And at that time Yacob and all belonging to him journeyed from Bethel to go to his father's house, to Hebron.

10 And while they were going on the road, and there was yet but a little way to come to Ephrath, Rachel bare a son and she had hard labor and she died.

11 And Yacob buried her in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem, and he set a pillar upon her grave, which is there unto this day; and the days of Rachel were forty-five years and she died. (The same age as me!)

12 And Yacob called the name of his son that was born to him, which Rachel bare unto him, Benjamin, for he was born to him in the land on the right hand.

13 And it was after the death of Rachel, that Yacob pitched his tent in the tent of her handmaid Bilhah.

14 And Reuben was jealous for his mother Leah on account of this, and he was filled with anger, and he rose up in his anger and went and entered the tent of Bilhah and he thence removed his father's bed.

15 At that time the portion of birthright, together with the kingly and priestly offices, was removed from the sons of Reuben, for he had profaned his father's bed, and the birthright was given unto Yoseph, the kingly office to Yahudah, and the priesthood unto Levi, because Reuben had defiled his father's bed. (yep, he messed up)

16 And these are the generations of Yacob who were born to him in Padan-aram, and the sons of Yacob were twelve.

17 The sons of Leah were Reuben the first born, and Simeon, Levi, Yahudah, Issachar, Zebulun, and their sister Dinah; and the sons of Rachel were Yoseph and Benjamin.

18 The sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, were Gad and Asher, and the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, were Dan and Naphtali; these are the sons of Yacob which were born to him in Padan-aram.

19 And Yacob and his sons and all belonging to him journeyed and came to Mamre, which is Kireath-arba, that is in Hebron, where Abraham and Isaac sojourned, and Yacob with his sons and all belonging to him, dwelt with his father in Hebron.

20 And his brother Esau and his sons, and all belonging to him went to the land of Seir and dwelt there, and had possessions in the land of Seir, and the children of Esau were fruitful and multiplied exceedingly in the land of Seir.

21 And these are the generations of Esau that were born to him in the land of Canaan, and the sons of Esau were five.

22 And Adah bare to Esau his first born Eliphaz, and she also bare to him Reuel (I wonder if this is Moses' wife's father...), and Ahlibamah bare to him Jeush, Yaalam and Korah.

23 These are the children of Esau who were born to him in the land of Canaan; and the sons of Eliphaz the son of Esau were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz and Amalex, and the sons of Reuel were Nachath, Zerach, Shamah and Mizzah.

24 And the sons of Jeush were Timnah, Alvah, Jetheth; and the sons of Yaalam were Alah, Phinor and Kenaz.

25 And the sons of Korah were Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel and Eram; these are the families of the sons of Esau according to their dukedoms in the land of Seir.

26 And these are the names of the sons of Seir the Horite, inhabitants of the land of Seir, Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishan, Ezer and Dishon, being seven sons.

27 And the children of Lotan were Hori, Heman and their sister Timna, that is Timna who came to Yacob and his sons, and they would not give ear to her, and she went and became a concubine to Eliphaz the son of Esau, and she bare to him Amalek.

28 And the sons of Shobal were Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam, and the sons of Zibeon were Ajah, and Anah, this was that Anah who found the Yemim in the wilderness when he fed the asses of Zibeon his father.

29 And while he was feeding his father's asses he led them to the wilderness at different times to feed them.

30 And there was a day that he brought them to one of the deserts on the sea shore, opposite the wilderness of the people, and while he was feeding them, behold a very heavy storm came from the other side of the sea and rested upon the asses that were feeding there, and they all stood still.

31 And afterward about one hundred and twenty great and terrible animals came out from the wilderness at the other side of the sea, and they all came to the place where the asses were, and they placed themselves there.

32 And those animals, from their middle downward, were in the shape of the children of men, and from their middle upward, some had the likeness of bears, and some the likeness of the keephas, with tails behind them from between their shoulders reaching down to the earth, like the tails of the ducheephath, and these animals came and mounted and rode upon these asses, and led them away, and they went away unto this day. (CHIMERA?)  (Enoch: The Book of The Giants talks about Animals that were created lIike Humans/Animals spliced DNA! This would explain Dogman and Yetis! What do you think? This also explains creatures like Mothman and if you look at any of the Babylonian things you will see pictures of birdmen or you will see half and half animal/humans like centaurs and gorgons.)

33 And one of these animals approached Anah and smote him with his tail, and then fled from that place.

34 And when he saw this work he was exceedingly afraid of his life, and he fled and escaped to the city.

35 And he related to his sons and brothers all that had happened to him, and many men went to seek the asses but could not find them, and Anah and his brothers went no more to that place from that day following, for they were greatly afraid of their lives. (No kidding!)

36 And the children of Anah the son of Seir, were Dishon and his sister Ahlibamah, and the children of Dishon were Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran and Cheran, and the children of Ezer were Bilhan, Zaavan and Akan, and the children of Dishon were Uz and Aran.

37 These are the families of the children of Seir the Horite, according to their dukedoms in the land of Seir.

38 And Esau and his children dwelt in the land of Seir the Horite, the inhabitant of the land, and they had possessions in it and were fruitful and multiplied exceedingly, and Yacob and his children and all belonging to them, dwelt with their father Isaac in the land of Canaan, as YAHWEH had commanded Abraham their father.

Wow!  So, this chapter was very cool. I would like to say that if you haven't had the chance to read Enoch. This will help you understand the last part a lot better. In fact, I will be going through the different books of Enoch next. But not until after I finish Yasher. If you have any questions, or if you would like to talk about any of what you've read in this blog, please contact me at: theawakeningtalk@gmail.com! 

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The Book of Yasher (Jasher) Parts 45 and 46

  The Book of Yasher (Jasher) Parts 45 and  46      Hi, and thank you for joining me at 144Judah! We are now on "The Book of Yasher&quo...