Thursday, August 10, 2023

Genesis Part 2: Adam and Eve (The Old Testament and The Forgotten Books of Adam and Eve from The Dead Sea Scrolls...)

 Hi, everyone, and welcome to the 2nd part of Genesis study on this blog. We are now getting into the players... AKA "Adam and Eve". 

So, we know that "In the beginning was the word..." from John, and that WORD was God and with that He created everything. He created everything through spoken word. 

And that brings us to the sixth day where God created man in His image. And This was the only day that he created where it wasn't good... Not that what he created wasn't good, but God said that it wasn't GOOD for man to be alone. 

So, what did God do? He created Adam an help meet... Now, a help meet is an equal. In Hebrew the phrase "help meet" comes from two Hebrew words, ezer and kenegdo. Ezer means help, but in a very distinct way. The English definition of helper is thought of someone in a low position, but Ezer in Hebrew describes strength, and that the person has the power to rescue others... And kenegdo means a helper suitable to Adam, corresponding to him, equal to him, or similar to him.  That doesn't sound like someone that is pathetic or weak like many women are to be thought of in the bible. Not that Esther or Ruth could ever be described in that way, but in today's society, women have been demeaned. And a lot of that comes from people's interpretation of the scripture, not what God actually said. People, in general, have their egos wrapped up in the wording and sometimes forget that not every translation is correct. For meaning of the Old Testament, we need to look at the Hebrew words and not the translation to English. I use the King James Bible, then when there is a word that I am not familiar with or if I don't understand a sentence, I pray and I use my Hebrew Dictionary for outside confirmation.


Now, God created a help meet, and Eve was that for Adam. The word strength makes so much more sense as Adam was to tend the garden and the animals. He would need someone strong, not only mentally but physically. 

In the Old Testament, it says that God formed Adam from Dust... 

*FUN FACT! In a 2017 Article from, researchers state that "For decades, science popularizers have said humans are made of stardust, and now, a new survey of 150,000 stars shows just how true the old cliché is: Humans and their galaxy have about 97 percent of the same kind of atoms, and the elements of life appear to be more prevalent toward the galaxy's center, the research found."

Do you think it is a coincidence that God named him Adam? It's a little close to Atom, isn't it? Could this type of writing in the bible be meant to teach us about ourselves instead of a story just like Yeshua (Jesus) used to talk to his disciples...? Could the story of Adam and Eve be a parable of sorts as well as an actual couple? I personally find the bible to tell many things... I think it tells of people, gives a moral code as well as a cosmology. 

Is the story of Adam and Eve just about the Masculine and Feminine side of our brains? 

Check this out! 

Genesis 2:15-23

"And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all the cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took on of his ribs, (I believe it is half of him) and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, (side) which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called Woman, (Wombman) because she was taken out of Man."

And God created Eve from Adam. The translation that I have says that Eve was formed from Adam's rib... that true? Does that really make sense? 

Not to me... no not at all. 

So, we just learned that God created man, male and female, he created he them.... in his image. 

It sounds like God created man as both male and female, and guess what... the Hebrew word for "rib" is used many times in the bible, but... it only is translated as a rib bone once! And that word is: Tsela.  The meaning has several dimensions to it, besides meaning a curved rib, it also means an ENTIRE SIDE or SECTION of the body literally. So... could God have separated Adam into Male and Female? 

I think so. 

This also fits the above information on the word help meet. An equal... 

Why did they decide to translate this word as rib? Possibly to confuse us/women as not being powerful beings. Why are we always downgraded? We are the birthers in society... We are the nurturers. We are the softer side of life, but not good enough? Could this possibly fit Satan's agenda? Could Satan have been present during the time of the translations to "Confuse" us?  Let's move on...

So, Adam and Eve are doing great. They are tending the garden, loving life, praising God, singing with the angels...(all of this can be found in The Forgotten Books of Eden) when Satan enters the arena. Now, Satan can't do anything unless you invite him in. I will tell you this, Satan can only get you if you sin, and then you invited him and his minions. How do they work? They can enter in you. 

Don't believe me? Ask Yeshua (Jesus). He said we have the authority to cast out devils. He talks about this in Matthew 17: 18-21. So if he can cast them out, clearly they were in. 

So, back to The Atom...and the serpent...

Hear me out... What if the bible is talking about the hemispheres in the brain. The body has a feminine and masculine side, right? Okay, and just a coincidence that the brain has a left and right hemisphere and one controls the left side and the other the right. The left is considered the Masculine and the right is the Feminine. And it just so happens to have two "trees"...

And if that's not enough, scientists have found that the left side of the brain is responsible for logic, science, math and analytical thought... And what is the right side for? Art, creativity, imagination, spiritual awareness...  

Now... if the left is good, and is tempted by the right that is determined as a more negative (Eve and the Apple or Fig) then, wouldn't it make sense as the right side controls the left hand... would maybe that left hand be the one that took the forbidden fruit? 

The Free Dictionary on Wikipedia States that: The arbor vitae /ˌɑːrbɔːr ˈvt/ (Latin for "tree of life") is the cerebellar white matter, so called for its branched, tree-like appearance. In some ways it more resembles a fern and is present in both cerebellar hemispheres.[1] It brings sensory and motor information to and from the cerebellum. The arbor vitae is located deep in the cerebellum. Situated within the arbor vitae are the deep cerebellar nuclei; the dentategloboseemboliform and the fastigial nuclei. These four different structures lead to the efferent projections of the cerebellum.[2]

Just a thought... OF course another interesting part to all of this is the "third eye" or "pineal gland" that is located between the brows. I know what you could be thinking? Some kind of occult information and that we "as Christians" shouldn't know any of this. Do you know what the word occult means?  The true definition is Hidden. Now why would this information be hidden? 

 Here's a cool place to go to see what all religions believe about the "Tree of Life"

Isn't it mentioned in Daniel 12:9 "Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." 

If you are wise, you will be seeking the Kingdom of God. You will pray without ceasing. You will be asking all of the questions and searching. The information would then come to you... How? God mentions so many times that "Wisdom" is what we should be seeking. If you have wisdom then you have the knowledge to stand up against anything. 

Now after Eve is tempted and takes the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve have the knowledge of the world as Satan states they have become as gods, knowing good and evil. Immediately they cover up their bodies because they are ashamed. Immediately, God tells them what they did and the consequences of their actions. Now they went from being happy and tending the garden and having everything provided for them in abundance and glory, to being kicked out of the garden, now having to eat meat, no drinking of the fountains of the tree of life, instead working all their days and hard at that. 

Genesis 3:22 "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them."

I believe that we were once light bodies just like God. "God is Light..." We were made in His image. And once sin entered, we were clothed in flesh. This is why when we leave this earth our bodies return to the dust and our spirit is still intact. We were spirit first.  

Once Adam and Eve are banished from the garden, they now have to figure out what to do and where to go, and that is left out of the Old Testament, but in the Forgotten Books of Eden, the book states that Adam and Eve go to a place that they call "The Cave of Treasures"... I will be talking about this in later blogs when I reference where they found the "Ark of the Covenant". 

So, in the Apocrypha, The Forgotten Books of Eden, we learn that Adam and Eve attempt suicide, and guess who saves him? 

The Word...

Verse 8-9 in Chapter XXI

"8 But the merciful God, who looks upon His creatures, looked upon Adam and Eve as they lay dead, and He sent His Word unto them., and raised them. 9 And said to Adam, "O Adam, all this misery which thou hast wrought upon thyself, will not avail against My rule, neither will it alter the covenant of the 5500 years."

Why do Adam and Eve try to kill themselves? Because they lost everything when they listened to Satan. They had food, love, light, God, the animals, the angels... and then they go into complete darkness. Thank God they didn't have kids at this time! The Forgotten Books of Eden talk about their attempts at death, their struggles with prayer, after they are kicked out of the garden, their run-in with Lucifer and the confusion of thinking he is good. It also leads us into "The Word" the covenant and a promise that God makes to them. 

Don't you love how The Most High ties all the different books together!  Nobody but GOD could possibly do all this and be so accurate. And if you think that's cool...

Revelation 13:18: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three-score and six."

What does that mean? 

Well, the number 666 actually refers to the amount of subatomic particles that make up the element carbon: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. Carbon’s atomic number is 6 and it is the 6th most bountiful element in existence. All life on earth is carbon-based. 

What else does this mean? It means that The Antichrist is a Man, and the spirit of Satan enters him. This is why the antichrist is also called "the man of sin". 

In 2008 on Election Day in November, The Most High God revealed to me who the antichrist is. I feel that it is part of my mission as a 144 to reveal this to everyone. The antichrist is Barak Obama.

I know that it probably sounds crazy for people that don't hear from God the way that I do, but it was loud and clear. God told me not to vote for him because he was the antichrist. I have never heard anything like that before in my life. I actually went to fill in his name on my ballot again and I heard do not vote for him, he is the antichrist. I stepped back from what I was doing, shook. I asked who I should vote for, and God told me I had to vote no matter what because a non-vote was the same as a vote. 

Then, years later, I have had so many confirmations to God's word. 

In Luke 10:18, "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (Other translations say lightning from the heights) 

Strongs 1300: Lightning = Baraq

Strongs word 1116: Heights = Bamah

"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning (Baraq) fall from heaven. (Bamah)

Matthew 13:16 "But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear."

I know this is a lot more than you probably bargained for in this second part with Adam and Eve, and I haven't even gotten to their children yet! But keep an open mind, use your own discernment and seek the answers through prayer.  

Now, I'm going to take you back into The Dead Sea Scrolls where Adam is not feeling well. He gets Eve and asks her to go to the Garden and to talk to one of the messengers about getting some oil from The Tree of Life to anoint him with to make him give him rest from his complaint. He wants her to take Seth with her. She does, and she gets a message from God from that visit. 

Michael, the chief-messenger speaks to Seth: "Seth, man of God, do not weary yourself with prayers and entreaties concerning the tree which flows with oil to anoint your father Adam. For it will not be yours now, but in the end of times. Then will all flesh be raised up from Adam until that great day--all that will be of the holy people. Then the delights of paradise will be given to them and God will be in their midst. And they will no longer sin before His face, for the evil heart will be taken from them and there will be given them a heart understanding the good and to serve God only." - Chapter 13 2-5

A day later, after putting the oil on Adam, he passed, and the messenger of humanity came to her, and raised her up and said, "Rise up, Eve, for behold, your husband Adam has gone out of his body. Rise up and behold his spirit born aloft to his Maker." Chapter 32 v 4

And then in Chapter 35 Seth asks his mother, "Why do you weep?" And she says to him, "Look up and see with your eyes the seven heavens opened, and see how the soul of your father lies on its face and all the holy messengers are praying on his behalf, and saying, Pardon him , Father of All, for he is Your image. Pray, my child Seth, what will this mean? And will he one day be delivered into the hands of the Invisible Father, even our God? But who are the two dark ones who stand by at the prayers for your father Adam? 

Chapter 36 "And Seth tells his mother that, "They are the sun and moon, and they fall down and pray on behalf of my father Adam. " Eve says to him, "And where is their light and why have they taken on such a black appearance?" And Seth answers her, "The light has not left them, but they cannot shine before the Light of the Universe, the Father of Light; and on this account their light has been hidden from them." 

The highlighted words "sun and moon" were done purposely by me because this reminds me of Revelation 6:12

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood." 

And when did this happen? Before the great and terrible day of the Lord. 

This passage also lines up with Adam being part of the dead in Christ being raised.  Chapter 42 v1-3 "And God called and said, "Adam, Adam." And the body answered from the earth and said, "Here I am, Lord." And God says to him, "I told you that you are earth and to earth you will return. Again I promise to you the resurrection; I will raise you up in the resurrection with every man who is of your seed." 

After the above passage, God and His messengers went to their place. And Eve also, when the six days were fullfilled, fell asleep. (Remember the  six days of mourning, and then on the seventh day was the rest - same as the sabbath.) 

So she fell asleep... "But while she was living, she wept bitterly about Adam's falling on sleep, for she did not know where he was laid. For when the Lord came to paradise to bury Adam, she was asleep, and her sons too, except Seth, until He commanded Adam be prepared for burial; and no man knew on earth, except her son Seth. And Eve prayed in the hour of her death that she might be buried in the place where her husband Adam was. And after she had finished her prayer, she says, "Lord, Master, God of all rule, do not estrange me, Your handmaid, from the body of Adam, for from his members You made me. But deem me worthy, even me, unworthy that I am, and a sinner, to enter into his dwelling place, even as I was with him in paradise, both without separation from each other; just as in our transgression, we were led astray, and transgressed Your command, but were not separated. Even so, Lord, do not separate us now." But after she had prayed, she gazed heavenwards and groaned aloud and struck her breast and said, "God of all receive my spirit," and immediately she delivered up her spirit to God."

Chapter 43 v 1-8

Chapter 44 The Life of Adam and Eve "Lay out in this way every man that dies until the day of the resurrection." And after giving him this rule he says to him, "do not mourn beyond six days, but on the seventh day, rest and rejoice on it, because that very day, God rejoices, and we messengers, with the righteous soul, who has passed away from the earth."

The interesting part of this is that she is "Half of Him", right? And he passes, she goes through the mourning period for six days, rests on the seventh, then is prepared to give up her own spirit. In Chapter 44 of the book, we learn that Seth learns how to properly prepare and bury a body from Michael. He lays out her body where Adam and Abel are and glorifies God.  Today, we mourn a long time...sometimes never getting over the death of our loved ones. What if we taught this concept today as the Jewish community does (And yes, they do this. Rabbi Daniel Lapin talks about this in one of his readings...) ? They mourn with everyone, sometimes not saying anything at all, but they are together, then on the seventh day, they praise God. They let the person go and give their worries to The Most High.

It's a beautiful thing, having faith. 

Thank you so much for reading this blog!  Let me know what you think? 

May God Bless You and Yours! 

Next up is "The Children of Adam and Eve: Genesis Part 3" 

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