Friday, September 29, 2023

The Lost Scriptures: The Gospel of the Nazareans

 Hi, everyone, and welcome to 144 Judah!  Today's blog is about The Gospel of the Nazareans. This Gospel was thought to be the Aramaic translation of The Gospel of Matthew, or rather The Original Translation based on oral traditions about Jesus that were in wide circulation at the time. This, according to ancient sources, was produced by Jewish Christians known as the Nazareans, because they wanted to emphasize the Jewishness of Jesus. This was originally translated into Aramaic as well (Jesus's language). 

Years later, it was basically taken out because hardly anyone could read "Aramaic" and so the script became "lost"... How convenient... 

It also didn't include the first two chapters of Matthew's Gospel, which record the miraculous birth of Jesus being born of a virgin. This, according to many Jewish Christians, records that Jesus was a natural human being who specifically was chosen to be the Messiah because God considered him to be more righteous than anyone else. 

Matthew is also the only gospel that has the story of Jesus's birth and the virgin mother. Many people believe that the story of Jesus's birth was added because the Jews didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, so they think that he (Matthew) added this part so the prophecy would be fulfilled in the Jews' eyes. 

So, what really happened? 

Jesus was born from a virgin mother, but the Jews didn't believe that he was the Messiah, even though all of the signs were there. 

The bible says to not add or take away from the words in the book and if you do God will blot out your name in the book of life. 

I believe the KJV to be the true WORD of God.

I also know that the word "Virgin" doesn't always mean the definition of what we think it is. 

In Revelation, the word "Virgin" means not defiled with religious doctrine. But I also know that the living blood of the Messiah was found and tested!

Check out this amazing video from Ron Wyatt about the Ark of the Covenant.

Blood Of Jesus Is Tested In Israel, Proven Alive | God TV News

Use discernment with everything that you do. This is a true gift of God. Pray, ask, and test.

Thank you for reading today's short blog. May God bless you and keep you! 

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